Designer F. Prono

Outdoor accessory
Optics studied to bring emission readings of the light flow towards the ground under 90°.
Used on transparent or smoked diffusers upwards dispersion under 3%.
Used on transparent or smoked diffusers with external top part painted black and internal part in reflecting metallized aluminium upwards dispersion 0% (Cut off)
Conforms to the UNI 10819 norm.
Technical characteristics
  • Optical with fins in specular aluminum (inferior part), shielded (advanced part)
  • Vain cone cover electrical worker in autoestinguente polycarbonate V2
Against lighting pollution
Sfera ornamental diffusers that usually do not respect the norm because of a 360° light emission, can be modifyed using special antiglare baffles in conformity with local rules.

Technical Specifications